SIS8300-KU MTCA.4 Digitizer

10 Channel 125 MS/s 16-bit With Fast Feedback DACs

Based on the SIS8300 which was developed in co-operation with DESY under ZIM Förderkennzeichen 2460101MS9

The SIS8300-KU is the Kintex Ultrascale based follow up to the SIS8300-L2 MTCA.4 digitizer card. One of the development goals was giving firmware developers the freedom the use the Xilinx Vivado development tool chain.

Sub Nanosecond timing synchronization is available with the White Rabbit (WR) option. Information on White Rabbit can be found on the CERN OHWR White Rabbit page

The SIS8300-KU ships with ready to run firmware as well as Xilinx Vivado projects, which allow you to adapt the existing firmware to your requirements. More information can be found on the SIS8300-KU firmware page. The ready to run firmware is augmented by a CERN ROOT GUI with all underlying code made available in source. You can either modify the ROOT GUI to match your application or use the source code as a starting point for your own implementation.

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SIS8300-KU photograph

Central Design Parameters

  • MTCA.4
  • 4 lane PCI Express Gen3 Connectivity
  • 10 Channels 125 MS/s 16-bit ADC
  • 10 MS/s to 125 MS/s Per Channel Sampling Speed
  • AC and DC Input Stage
  • Internal, Front Panel, RTM and Backplane Clock Sources
  • Two 16-bit DACs for Fast Feedback Implementation
  • High Precision Clock Distribution Circuitry
  • Programmable Delay of Dual Channel Digitizer Groups
  • Gigabit Link Port Implementation to Backplane
  • Twin SFP+ Card Cage for High Speed System Interconnects
  • XCKU040-1FFVA1156C Kintex Ultrascale FPGA
  • 2 GByte DDR4 Memory (flexible partitioning scheme)
  • Dual boot
  • MMC1.0 under DESY license LV91
  • White Rabbit (WR) Option
  • In Field Firmware Upgrade Support
  • Zone 3 class A1.0, A1.0C or A1.1CO compatible (see below)
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    Ordering Options
    Part Number Match Code Configuration
    05756 SIS8300-KU FPIO 8AC2DC DZ3 Channel 0-7 AC ADC Input Coupling, 140MHz BW, Channel 8-9 DC ADC Input Coupling, 62 MHz BW, AD8139, Interlock, DAC to Z3, with FP SMA and RJ45, Zone 3 Class A1.1CO
    06480 SIS8300-KU FPIO 8AC2DC DZ3 WR Channel 0-7 AC ADC Input Coupling, 140MHz BW, Channel 8-9 DC ADC Input Coupling, 62 MHz BW, AD8139, Interlock, DAC to Z3, with FP SMA and RJ45, White Rabbit, Zone 3 Class A1.1CO
    06426 SIS8300-KU FPIO 8AC2DC DFP Channel 0-7 AC ADC Input Coupling, 140MHz BW, Channel 8-9 DC ADC Input Coupling, 62 MHz BW, AD8139, Interlock, DAC to Front Panel, with FP SMA and RJ45, Zone 3 Class A1.1CO
    06598 SIS8300-KU FPIO 10AC DFP Channel 0-9 AC ADC Input Coupling, Interlock, DAC to Front Panel, with FP SMA and RJ45, Zone 3 Class A1.1CO
    06359 SIS8300-KU FPIO 10DC DFP Channel 0-9 DC ADC Input Coupling, 62 MHz BW, AD8139, Interlock, DAC to Front Panel, with FP SMA and RJ45, Zone 3 Class A1.1CO
    SIS8300-KU Ordering Options
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    Available RTMs for the SIS8300-L2 Digitizer
    Name Source Description
    SIS8900 Struck Single Ended Input Card
    DWC8300 Struck 10 Channel Downconverter
    DWC8VM1 Struck 8 Channel Downconverter, 1 channel Vectormodulator
    DS8VM1 Struck 8 Channel Direct Sampling, 1 channel Vectormodulator
    BPM DESY Interleaved sampling for BPM readout
    APD DESY Dual channel signal stretcher
    Fast ADC RTM SLAC LLRF ADC Frontend
    Available RTMs for SIS8300
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