DWC8300 MTCA.4 Downconverter RTM
The DWC8300 is a MTCA.4 downconverter RTM that was developed at DESY under the designation DRTM-DWC10 and is build by Struck under license of DESY.
Central Design Parameters
MTCA.4 (µTCA for Physics) RTM Implementation
Class A1.1 compatible
10 Channels
8 Channel FBM multi coax. connector (CH1 to CH8)
CH0 and CH9 SMA
700 MHz - 4 GHz (standard version)
350 MHz - 500 MHz (LF version)
Various intermediate frequencies
Switchable front end attenuators
LO clock from front panel or RF backplane
LO power level monitor
I2C support
under license from DESY