SIS8300-L MTCA.4 Digitizer
10 Channel 125 MS/s 16-bit With Fast Feedback DACs
Based on the SIS8300 which was developed in co-operation with DESY under ZIM Förderkennzeichen 2460101MS9
The SIS8300-L was the Virtex®-6 based follow up to the SIS8300 MTCA.4 (µTCA for Physics) digitizer card, which was superseded by the SIS8300-L2 card in the meanwhile.
Photograph |
Central Design Parameters |
Part Number | Xilinx FPGA | Memory |
04506 | XC6VLX130T-2FFG1156C | 4 x 4 GBit DDR3 |
05178 | XC6VLX130T-2FFG1156C, no SMA/Harlink | 4 x 4 GBit DDR3 |
SIS8300-L Ordering Options |
Name | Source | Description |
SIS8900 | Struck | Single Ended Input Card |
RTM7201 | HYTEC | 4-channel signal modulator |
DWC8300 | Struck | 10 Channel Downconverter |
DWC8VM1 | Struck | 8 Channel Downconverter, 1 channel Vectormodulator |
BPM | DESY | Interleaved sampling for BPM readout |
APD | DESY | Dual channel signal stretcher |
Fast ADC RTM | SLAC | LLRF ADC Frontend |
Available RTMs for SIS8300 |